Autism Specialization


    Are you feeling overwhelmed about how much help your child needs?

    Are you worried about the wellness of your marriage?

    Are you afraid that you aren’t being the best parent to your child or to your other children?

    Do you stay up late researching ways to help your child?

    Do you feel like there is never enough time to get everything done?

    Are you worried about what the future holds for your child?

    Are you having a hard time concentrating on your own activities and making yourself happy?

    Are you worried about how your other children are responding to having a sibling with Autism?

Parents who have children with Autism experience difficulties with stress levels, personal goals, family situations, and their marriages.  I offer assistance with parenting skills and provide coping strategies for the many stressors that put strains on individuals and their marriages.


As your life becomes busier and you find yourself feeling more emotionally drained, you may experience stress and confusion.

Everyone can benefit from counseling, which offers confidential support to make your life more satisfying and improve your relationships.  All parents experience stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue from time to time.  When you have used all of your resources and find that you are still feeling unhappy a lot of the time on most days, then it is time to consider counseling.

Counseling can assist with decreasing these symptoms by providing the tools for you to learn more effective ways to handle your daily situations.

When parents discover that they have children with Autism or other special needs, they experience 5 stages of grief as they move toward acceptance.  These stages include fear; anger; denial; bargaining; and accepting this unexpected situation.  Often when parents go through these stages they are not at the same stage with their spouse at the same time.  This causes strains on marriages.

Couples counseling can assist with guiding parents through these stages of grief and improving their relationship so that they can both dedicate their energy toward their children as a team.  Individual counseling can also provide assistance with these stages in addition to parenting skills and coping skills.